Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Reddit Thread: What’s a Trap That Almost Everyone Will Fall For At Some Point In Their Lives? PART 1

Another Reddit Thread i came across and would like to elaborate on is "What’s a Trap That Almost Everyone Will Fall For At Some Point In Their Lives?". Right off the bat i assume you have/get a rush of thoughts and emotions to where you can rattle off a couple relatable answers no problem. So here we go: Theres 11 of these that were highlighted within the 1000's of comments, and i don't want to just have some longform piece, like a hardo. Im going to split this into 3 separate blogs. Less is more.

Trap #1: Comparing yourself to other people.

In my opinion this is pretty close to impossible to do, but effort certainly counts in this situation. Throughout your life everything is calculated. You're grades for 12+ years in school, sports/games as a kid/young adult, social status (being rich poor popular bullied etc). It's very tough to get out of a mindset that doesn't revolve around numbers and keeping score. All that type shit. But the older i get the more I'm starting to understand: Fuck it. Be selfish in your self evaluation and progress. Still keep a good attitude and always be trying to get better though.
But stuff happens whether good or bad. Oh well. Gotta keep it moving no matter what.

Trap #2: No, you won't stay for one more drink.

Kind of wish i took this advice once in a while during my 2009-2015 endeavors roaming around Winthrop and Bridgewater.  You never know, staying for that one more drink may have gotten you very important things in your life. Wouldn't have bumped into that broad who's now your girlfriend, wouldn't have been there to help your buddy not get his teeth kicked in, etc. But i feel like the 2016 equivalent to this is being "For the Boys". Don't get me wrong, friends are very high on my list of priorities, but tapping out once in a while may be better in the long run. (cough cough me going from a WR to DE in stature) Shoutout those people who remind me whenever i piss them off enough.

Editor Note: Also shoutout Kenny Chesney, "One is too many, and a thousand is never enough."

Trap #3: Letting Things Overwhelm You.

This is a little bit of 1 & 2 mixed together to some extent. In terms of positive thoughts, yeah FOMO sucks, couple examples for me would be not finishing school at the pace you would like, missing a prime Yirrell day, stuff like that. BUT most fun things can be replicated one way or another, or as long as things get sorted out eventually no big deal. For negative scenarios, worrying about shit (especially when its out of your control) is the WORST and is something we all battle. Whether it be school, social life, work...I'm personally trying to #TrustTheProcess. Unless its like a pending court case that will send you to the slammer, then id worry.

Next 3 will be up in a few days, maybe. lol

***Heres the link for anybody who wants to look ahead or whatever. Id embed it but I'm not trying to spoil my stuff later so you've got to copy & paste that shit. Getting 40+ page views rather then 75+ certainly isn't going to pay the bills anytime soon.

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